
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Cats 1
Christmas Cats 2
Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you Holidays are filled with Happiness and Love!
- Kirsty & Duke

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Beach HeArt

Beach HeArt 2
While walking along the rocks at the beach last weekend I found this sweet thing and wanted to share with you! Pretty. I wonder who made it. I thought it looked pretty special and deserved a couple of photographs. <3
Beach HeArt 1

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Beach Box

While I was playing around editing these beach and surfing shots, I letterboxed some and really loved the effect. I just used a little digital camera for these photos and the zoom’s not the biggest so zooming in on the photos and letterboxing them turned out really well.
The 3 surfing pics are definitely my favourites!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Beach Brights

I did up some of the photos I took on the beach and edited a few using a couple of techniques I don’t usually use. I do love the way they have come out though. They’re really bright and sparkly and I love how soft the waves and clouds look.
This one is the view from the sand of a house that caught my eye just off the beach. What a perfect spot to live! The view from that top window would be just amazing!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Andi went surfing the other day and I was lucky enough to tag along and have a beautiful day at the beach. I snapped a LOT of photos! Here are just some of them.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Meet Penny

This is my flashy new banana board! Isn’t she a sweetheart?
I just had a lot of fun playing around with these photos! I love the top one and I figured I’d better include a photo of the whole board too.
Hope you had as much fun as I did on the weekend!  Winking smile

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Photo of a Drawing of a Cat

I took this the other night after doodling this catty picture. I have no patience when it comes to my oil painting so I’ve decided I need to draw more and create more pictures in general, and hopefully some kind of patience and skill will reveal itself to me.
As you may have noticed there was no linky party yesterday. I have decided to stop hosting the parties. I don’t know whether this will be forever but there are certain aspects to the blogging world that are too easy to get caught up in.. and as a result you forget the purpose of the blog in the first place. I know many bloggers write about this but it’s true. I do not blog to blog. I blog to put down my photos and paintings. More content and less Alexa Rankings for me.
If you’re a blogger too, I hope you’re still enjoying yours! I am.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Funny Cat

Just a funny picture of Duke sniffing a plant in the garden before we party today!
Please remember to link back to me by grabbing my button
Kirsty Girl

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Portrait of a Cat Named Duke + Kirsty & Friends Linky Party

portrait of a cat named duke #4
Oops I’m a day late to host my party! Sorry guys! Hope you’ll still drop by and link up your best post of the week!
portrait of a cat named duke #1
My other kitty, Indiana was looking on in awe when I took this photo… apparently he had no idea that cats could climb trees! Duke teaches him naughty things.. luckily Indie isn’t quite athletic enough to do most of them though.. so he just looks on in wonder!
portrait of a cat named duke #3
portrait of a cat named duke #2
It’s party time! Link up and please remember to link back to me!
Kirsty Girl
Linking up with: A Beach Cottage

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In the Garden with Duke

in the garden with duke #4
Again, these are just some shots I have taken of my lovely Duke in the garden. We had a lot of fun capturing these photos! Maybe a little too much fun..
in the garden with duke #1
in the garden with duke #2
Lots of stalking…
in the garden with duke #3
And here he caught a little skink… luckily I saw him and was able to get the tiny lizard off him before he hurt it. Phew!
in the garden with duke #5
Ok, it’s on to the party now! I hope you’ll join in the fun too and link up your best or most recent post of the week. Please remember to grab my button and link back to me!
Kirsty Girl
Linking up with: 504 Main and Chic on a Shoestring.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Blue and White Daisies

IMG_2548These are a couple of photos I took of the daisies my little sister, Chicken brought home for a science experiment. IMG_2549
We put some water and drops of blue food dye into a vase and watched the white daisy’s turn blue!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Portrait of a Cat Named Indiana + Kirsty & Friends Linky

portrait of a cat named indiana #2
I love this shot, the windswept hair, the big blue doe-like eyes… what a super model.
I love this next shot too… mainly for the tongue…
portrait of a cat named indiana #1
portrait of a cat named indiana #3
It’s party time people! Please leave your link to your best or most recent post of the week! And please remember to grab my button or at least link back to me!
Kirsty Girl

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hide & Seek

hide and seek #1
I had a lot of fun taking some shots of my kittens in the garden the other day. I also had a lot of fun doing them up and fiddling around with them on Picnik. I do love that site. Do you use it?
hide and seek #3
These are just a few of the shots I got while Indiana and Duke were playing. Indie was very interested in following Duke around and watching him. Very cute.
hide and seek #4
hide and seek #2
I love the colouring in these shots. The pots look especially pretty!
Today I am linked up with: 504 Main, A Beach Cottage and Chic on a Shoestring.