
Monday, August 11, 2014

Witch House Inspiration

Since I was a wee child, I've loved everything Witchy! Houses included. My top 5 Witch Houses are:
  1. The Practical Magic House
  2. The Charmed Manor
  3. The Witches of East End House
  4. Roxie's Eastwick House
  5. The Good Witch's Grey House

While I already have a few witchy home features like my purrfect black cat, my creaky black gate that perfectly matches Grey House's, my dragonfly led lamp that looks like it could have been stolen from the Charmed set and herbs and  dried lavender throughout there's still a lot of work to do before I have that perfect witch's home. The first step of course is getting the old wooden floor. Come this time next year, I will have pine boards throughout and I cannot wait!

My Witchy Black Creaky Gate

My Witchy Black Cat

My Witchy Table Lamp

My Witchy Hanging Kitchen Plants

And on that note, here are the best witchy kitchens for your ogling pleasure:

The Witches of East End kitchen

The Charmed, Halliwell Manor kitchen

the kitchen from Practical Magic

Roxie's kitchen in Eastwick


  1. I love the East End kitchen! I would love to have a fireplace like that with pots and pans over it! I would love for you to linkup over at my blog. :)

  2. I love this! My husband thinks I'm crazy because I want to live in some huge, crumbling, spooky old manor a la Wuthering Heights. But think about the cool stories you'd be able to tell! :) Love your blog BTW--found you via the Let's Be Friends Blog Hop!

  3. We have much in common in the love of witchy stuff hun. I used to be obsessed with Fiona Horn and do you know a witch called Destiny once told me that I am in fact an ancient celtic white witch? If only I have witchy powers ;) xx

  4. I love the black cat! What do you think got you started on the interest when you were a kid?!

  5. @Jamie | North of Something
    I've always loved magic, anything with magic or supernatural themes I just loved as a kid and then Charmed started when I was about 8 or 9 and I fell completely for witches!

  6. That's so cool Son! Fiona Horn... wow that is so incredibly 90's of you! :D Destiny sounds like she knows what she's talking about! Maybe you just haven't found your powers yet? ;) hehe

  7. Thank you so much @Natalie V. I absolutely LOVE wuthering heights! One of my favs. Have you watched the 2009 movie adaptation? One of the best adaptations I've ever seen!

  8. Dito April! That's my favourite part too! Might not ever get the kitchen but I think mine could be just as cool if I find some lovely old copper pans!

  9. Oh yes! The conservatory is so beautiful! I totally agree! Who wouldn't want a room like that!


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