
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Who is this person?

 I was tagged a little while ago by my awesome online buddy Nadya on instagram to share 20 unknown things about me. I figured I'd be a good blogger for once and make a post about it. It's going to be really hard to come up with things but hopefully it won't be too boring and it will bring all of us bloggy pals that little bit closer!

1. Sonia's latest post at Life, Love and Hiccups got me thinking about my favourite reads. My all time favourite book is the Thorn Birds, the real issue with that is I don't really know why it is. All my other favourite books make sense and match certain likes and areas of my personality. I normally hate books that are set in the same place and time as me. The time is slightly off, I wasn't exactly born in the 30's or anything but the norm for me is 17 or 1800's so it's way off but I am from New South Wales originally. The characters personality traits aren't a bit like mine, I should actually hate them. But I don't.

2. Speaking of liking things ironically, I have a lot of music that goes completely against my tastes and better judgement. I grew up as a *ahem* punk rocker. I refused to like grunge music because Johnny Rotten hated it, so therefore so did I. While the majority of my playlists are still Rancid, the Clash, Bad Religion etc. plus a whole lot of "old" rock, Steppenwolf, the Rolling Stones and the like I have also turned into a country music bumpkin. I love Dolly Parton, Corb Lund and Trampled by Turtles.

3. Continuing on with a theme now, I also ironically fell in love with a guy that was the most Kurt Cobain-y grunge looking dude ever. I couldn't stand it so I was hooked of course.

4. Shall we stop here? I clearly don't know what I like or who I am.

5. Speaking of big boobs AKA Dolly Parton, I also love Pamela Anderson... yeah... weird. I used to love her when I was really little watching Home Improvement, then Baywatch as a teen because it was so ridiculous. I saw a peta ad she did about KFC's chickens and that was my first step to becoming vegan. I've been vegan for almost 5 years now and I turned vegetarian when I was 17.

6. Back to music now, I play the guitar and write my own songs. Yeah, I'm a little bit country.

7. I have also played the piano, flute, piccolo and mandolin.

8. I can be a bit of a sci-fi geek. You already know my love of witches but I love other fantasy too, books, movies and tv. At the moment I'm rewatching all the X-Files for the umteenth time.

9. I have absolutely no patience which is why I always start a painting then let it sit for so long because I always choose to forget just how much time it takes. The same goes for writing books. This is why I like music, I usually write a song in about 5 minutes. Bim Bam Boom. Done. Then I just play it until it's right.

10. My grocery bills are always huge because I won't compromise the environment for my bank balance.

11. I can't stand aerosol deodorants, don't do it I beg you. They stink.

12. I cried when Tom Hanks lost Wilson.

13. The latest Toy Story movie also moved me cause I'm weird like that.

14. I used to be good at sports, especially soccer.

15. I'm not now.

16. I am a couch potato through and through.

17. As a kid I loved Sunday's, by Sunday I felt like it was ok to chill because Saturday I spent playing soccer. At 12 o'clock there was always an Elvis movie on, so I'd lie on the couch and watch old Elvis movies.

18. You won't believe it but when I first moved to Tasmania I hated it.

19. Then I saw the beaches.

20. I was an accounting student but now that my writing career has really taken off I've stopped.

Now I'm going to nominate Sonia at Life, Love and Hiccups, Kathe from Kathe With An E and Jillian from Hi It's Jilly, gals I'd love to know more about!


  1. So fun learning all of the quirkily little things that make each of us tick! I too loved watching Elvis movies when I was younger and loved sports. Although there were no organized sports for girls back then. Boy has times changed? I have not read the Thornbirds, but love the mini series. When it comes to music, Ilove so many different types. The only thing I really don't care for is rap. Fun post! Love that you write both music and books! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  2. Fascinating post! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,



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