
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kreativ and Versatile Awards

I’ve been rather slow with this post as I’ve gotten so stuck into the excitement of showing you all my Holga Photos. P.S. I’ve totally saved the best for last, so stay tuned. You should all check out my last post too and leave me some love because it’s looking pretty lonely in comparison to the other Holga posts. Poor thing! Check it here/Holga Harbor.


On to today’s post! I am a lucky little blogger because I’ve just received 3 blogging awards! 1 Kreativ Blogger award from the lovely Suz from Random Thoughts by Suzanne and two Versatile Blogger awards from Shareena at Sherry Merry Go Round and my wonderful Mumsy over at Stamping Still.

So here’s 10 things about me before I hand on the awards!

1.  I’m teaching myself how to play mandolin.

2.  I already play the guitar.. (unwell, but I play).

3.  At the moment I’m working on recording a few of my songs, hopefully one day I will like them enough to show you.
4.  I used to know a little flute and piccolo, one day I’d like to pick it up again.

5.  I used to play the piano but got tired of learning classical, I wanted the Punk! I plan to get a pretty piano one day and play what I want!

6.  I clearly have a one track mind, since this is all about music. (I don’t really believe that).

7.  I just taught my little sissy, Chicken, that full stops go on the outside of brackets. She was wowed.

8.  I’m annoyed at myself for not taking an awesome Black & White of my pretty cousin, Erin, while she was here on holiday.

9.  Andi, makes fun of me for calling swimmers Cozies (there’s some good ol’ Australian slang for you). They’re called bathers in Tassie, blargh!

10.  At the moment I’m reading Crime and Punishment. It’s a light read for me. I’m loving it.

This next list is going to be a bit tricky, since I’m giving out two separate awards. So I’m just going to pass them on to a couple of bloggers I think really deserve them!


1st definitely to my awesome Mummy because she’s totally Kreativ with a K!


The Versatile Blogger Award will go to Jill from Junky Vagabond because she deserves some more traffic for sure!

And there you have it! I hope you all had a lovely Easter by the way! :D


  1. Congrats on the awards. I played the flute for 8 years!
    Twitter @theloudermouth

  2. That is super cool Kirsty!!! (speaking about the mandolin now) I also play the mandolin and will definitely play it a lot more now when I finish my studies. How long have you been playing and what music do you play?

  3. hmm,, nice,, love this POst.. full with new Info..

  4. you deserve it! ^_^ keep posting those cool pictures!

  5. Congratulations on your awards, well done! Hugs

  6. Congratulations on your award Kirsty! And thank you so much for handing one of them on to me - I'm honored.

    I love that you are so musically inclined. How many people can say they've taught themselves to play anything? And that they are teaching others - that's very special :)

    Keep posting the photos for all of us to oooh and ahhhh over!

    Jill @ JunkyVagabond

  7. Congratulaions on all your awards, it must be a very lucky week for you! I could never get the hang of the wind isturments, but I do love to sing. Music has always been important to me as well. Happy Monday!

  8. Hi sweet girl! These are great, I love that you play these beautiful instruments and I would love to hear to play! I tried to teach myself piano, that didn't go so well. I did learn jingle bells!! :)
    Congrats on the awards!

  9. That is great. I can't wait to hear that on here. I is really good that you love your music. My older daughter plays the violin. She wants to learn the harp and the piano.

  10. Hi honey - congrats on the awards, well deserved! I think that is so great that you're learning the mandolin. Have a great week!

  11. Congratulations on the awards! I played violin, flute, piano, viola for years when I was younger. :)

  12. Hi Kristy,
    I will classify you as a multi talented lady, wish I could play any kind of music instrument, but the closest I get to that is the radio.
    Full stop outside the brackets? Well I never was completely sure, so I too have learned something today, maybe I will remember it now.

    Congrats on your rewards, you richly deserve them all!

    Hope your weekend will be filled with joy and laughter.
    (also author of sexy legs and body, have chatted to you before). :)
    Take care.

  13. Congrats on your awards :) You totally deserve them. Thanks so much for stopping by Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays and adding your link.

  14. congrats on the awards! i am having a giveaway on my blog, that is perfect for spring&summer! a RAD BIKINI by a young Mexican designeer! check it out, you wont be disappointed ♥ i promise!

  15. That's so cool, congrats on the awards!

  16. You deserve the awards. Go Girl
    Best Carolyn
    PS Why do full stops go on the outside of brackets?

  17. Congrats on the awards. I admire a person with musical talent. My talents- uh, not so musical. Although I did play the flute in grade school and high school. Not very good at it though.

  18. love number more for # 1 and # 7. It never hurts to get your grammar corrected.

    And ditto on # 9, as in, we call them cozies in South Africa as well, although I ahve heard that if you would like to immigrate out of SA, Australia is the place to go as it is just like SA.


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