
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

{Holga} Feline Friend

In my very humble opinion I’ve saved the best for last in this series of Holga posts. I love this first shot I got of a little kitty Andi and I made friends with on a walk. Meet, Mag. Isn’t she cute? She was so sweet and drooled everywhere. Very happy. Her owner also came out to talk to us too. I just love that!

I love how bright orange she’s come out in these shots, against the dark backdrop of the fence and sidewalk. Of course she started following us. So cute! I really fell in love with little Mag.

I’m so happy with this shot of Andi and Mag, walking a long together. How sweet. Definitely getting this baby blown up and framed. :) I’m also going to print out a couple of these and give them to her owner, Mr. Nice. Hopefully that will be a lovely surprise.

You can view all of my other Holga shots in this series of film here:


Linking up with: A Beach Cottage


  1. Aaawww....your pics are so precious! Love your blog!

  2. P.S. I'm your new blog follower...hope you can follow me back! =)

  3. You've done a great job capturing a day in the life of a kitty :)

  4. i love cats and this one looks extra friendly!
    cheryl x

  5. Great photos. There is something about ginger cats and how great they look. Love the effect created by the shadows. Can't decide between ducks and cat - I'll put them both first.
    Have fun!

  6. what a lovely cat, very photogenic. Or he had a good photograpehr? possibly a bit of both.

    seriously, love the shots.

  7. I had a cat the same color. He was a really good cat. Not really friendly he liked to keep to himself and try to get out of the house all the time. But he really like my girls.

  8. Beautiful pictures! I love the one of them walking, too. It's so sweet.


  9. I love cats!! She looks like my old ex-cat Torsten aka Tornado:)

  10. Kirsty these shots are gorgeous and Mag is beautiful!! We used to have an orange cat, she was a bit odd but very friendly. :) I have a cat the drools a lot too. :)
    That photo of your friend and Mag will look perfect blown up and framed, really any of them would. :)
    Have a wonderful day!

  11. Lovely little kitty.
    Best Carolyn

  12. Pics like that make me miss having a cat! :) T is really allergic though. :(

  13. SO SWEET! I found you through a beach cottage's link party: My cat post was linked right next to your cat post :D they truly bring simple pleasure and such beauty :)

  14. hi Kirsty, I got to your blog via blogfrog, where you are our follower. This blog is very nice! If you like you can also follow my blog, there is the google translator added, so you can change the text into English (google translated, so not really accurate), this way it's quite easy to follow the stories!

    Nice cat by te way! :-)

  15. Great pics! Thanks for stopping by Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays and adding your link!

  16. I really love having cats. They keep me company when the children are at school!! These photos are so happy! What a sweetie that gorgeous cat is!


  17. Too cute, such a cool connection ;)

  18. Beautiful photos and what a cutie:) Kisses, my dear and enjoy your day

    Ps: I’m hosting a cute necklace GIVEAWAY today! Hope you’ll join in!

  19. She is so cute! I love how bright she looks next to the fence. I am sure Mr. Nice will love the print.

  20. You have a great eye, your taking some wonderful photos. New follower !


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