
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Spring Away

Picture 061gardens3
I have just found a few photos I never got around to posting from the Botanical Gardens. I have no idea why my camera decided this photo should be soooo blue but it did and I love it!
Picture 052gardens3
Picture 057gardens3 
I LOVE these trees. Aren’t they beautiful? Of course it is almost December, hooray! The most magical, wonderful time of the year. I hope you’re all doing as well as I am with your Christmas shopping! I am almost finished. Stay with me because on Thursday I shall post a Christmas craft idea.
Happy Shopping!
Picture 059gardens3 
I would be a very bad blogger if I didn’t post links here to all my other Botanical Gardens posts, so here they are, in order:
Spring Festival, Japanese Gardens, Whimsy & Parties? and The Gallopers. Or you can view them all under the October 2010 sidebar to your right.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tree Frames

Tree Frame #2
Walking back from the Quay I saw this little picture hole and I just had to get some photos. I love the way the trees frame the water. Don’t you? I am really loving this set.

Tree Frame #3
Which photos do you prefer, the two above with their green and blue tints or the image below with more warmth?

Tree Frame #1

Linking up with 504 Main, Chic on a Shoestring and LambAround.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Quay Homes

Quay Homes #4
On one of my strolls the other day I was lucky enough to have remembered my camera, so I had quite the photo shoot with the water and homes along the Quay.
Quay Homes #1
Quay Homes #2
I would certainly like to live in one of these homes, the top one there has been for sale for a long time now. Unfortunately it’s just a tad out of my price range. Such a pity.
Quay Homes #3Hope you’re having a beautiful day!

Now linking up with: Twisted Fate Photography

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Beachscape in Oil

Beachscape #3
So finally, finally, I have completed another painting. I think I am getting better at photographing them too, it’s still unbelievably tricky to get close to the colours in the painting but I think I’m preeeetty close with this one. Though the water is probably more green, turquoise, bright, in the real deal and the sand is darker and not so yellow. But otherwise I think I’ve done the sky and mountain justice.

I think this next photo is a little more accurate still. Of course, all feedback is greatly appreciated. I’d love to know what you think.

Beachscape #2
If you haven’t been following me since the very beginning you can take a look at my other paintings here: Oil on Canvas, Crayfish Creek Landscape, a Walk and a Thank you and Crayfish Creek Landscape.
Go on, you know you want to!

Linking up to 504 Main and Chic on a Shoestring.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Octopus Tree

Okay so today I really want to show you a couple of photos that Andi took when on our walk along Mt. Wellington. You can see my other posts too, A Walk on Mt. Wellington and Destination: Mt. Wellington. You can also view Andi’s blog here at Shameless Self-Promotion or see his magnificent Flickr stream here. Sorry about all those links, but links are our Bloggy FRIENDS!

I LOVE this shot, it’s so dark and eerie. Beautiful. But really what I wanted to show was a photo of The Octopus Tree! There is a tree, situated on top of an enormous rock, with huge limbs that reach down to the ground. Many of them, hence the Octopus. If anyone has any understanding of how a tree could begin to grow on this huge rock, please comment and let me know. Because I would sure like to know too!


Linking up with Chic on a Shoestring and 504 Main, LambAround and Serenity Now

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Meet Tinkle

Tinkle 5th Nov 2010 #13
Today I would like to introduce you all to, Tinkle. No we have not gotten a new kitten, this is in fact our neighbours cat. We do not at all know our neighbours, however; we know their cat intimately.
Tinkle 5th Nov 2010 #9
Don’t get me wrong, the name Tinkle, is nice enough, but no, you dirty minded people, he did not have a little accident to acquire this name. The girls named him Tinkle because of the little bell he used to wear as a kitten. Of course it’s gone now, Tinkle has no collar at all, I’m sure he knows why.
He? In fact I have no idea whether Tinkle is a girl or boy. I’ve always assumed he was male ever since I first saw him, but I have no evidence to back my assumption up.
 Tinkle 5th Nov 2010 #14
Cookie and I had the most fun playing with Tinkle in our backyard the other day. It was bright and sunny and a beautiful day for a laze or for attacking lizards, you know, the norm.
 Tinkle 5th Nov 2010 #20
Please no one attempt to attack lizards. It is a cruel activity and you should not try it.
Kirsty Girl © does not condone messing with lizards or any other animal.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Destination: Mt. Wellington

Mt. Wellington Track #7
Here’s Andi taking a picture while telling me to hurry up. I was a bit slow because I was taking so many photographs, but I couldn’t help it! It was too pretty not to!
So we reached our picnic destination after the beautiful walk I showed last post, A Walk on Mt. Wellington. And this is what I got to look at, while munching down some salt & vinegar chips, dark chocolate, Coca~Cola and Chocolate soy milk. Yes, I did feel sick walking back. haha
Mt. Wellington Track #8
This was the view from behind us, looking up the mountain to the organ pipes. Here’s a close up:
Mt. Wellington Track #9Beautiful
And here is the view in front…
Mt. Wellington Track #11 
I’m loving this next picture, the contrast is pretty awesome… Even if I do say so myself.
Mt. Wellington Track #10
Hope you all go and enjoy some nature today!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Walk on Mt. Wellington

Mt. Wellington Track #1
This gorgeous weekend Andi took me out to dinner to an amazing vegan restaurant, whose food I cannot stop dreaming about. And on Saturday showed me the track that he helped make on Mt. Wellington. Isn’t it beautiful?
Mt. Wellington Track #4
It was thankfully an easy walk to our destination, of course our destination wasn’t complete without a picnic, but I’ll show you that next time.
Mt. Wellington Track #5
I hope you all had a Happy and Safe Halloween weekend!
Mt. Wellington Track #6